
Change is POSSIBLE. It’s So Hard at First, So Messy in Between and So Sooo Beautiful at the End

She’s Had a Bonkers Couple of Years Completely Transforming Her Life. Claire trained with me 18 months ago & needed a fresh start. A whole new direction and a good pep talk and a cup of positivi~tea. She’s since has spent the last 18 months honing her skills, creating a portfolio, building her permanent makeup…


I Told You on Day One of Training That You Won’t Care About Comparing Yourself to Anyone Else When You’re Soooo Captivated by Your Own Purpose.

After a Successful Career in Banking Stacey Decided After Having Her 3rd Boy That Enough Was Enough. She was sick and tired of missing out on all the kids special moments at school, being told you’re not allowed time off for this and can’t go to see that. So she became a stay at home…