Coming soon…
Join Award Winning Marketing Expert Paul Bate BA (HONS) & His Super Successful Inspirational Wife Katy Jobbins, the Current Sussex Mentor of the Year & Former Entrepreneur, Success Story & Overall Woman of the Year in a Live 2 Day Women (and Couples) in Business Mastermind Live Event.
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Woman in Business 2 Day Mastermind Live Event
Discover the Full Masterclass Content Using the Form Below …
Please Enter Your Name & Email Address Below to Receive Our Latest Woman in Business 2 Day Mastermind Schedule Which Includes: Prices, Training Locations, Who You Will be Training With Plus Much, Much More …
If you have any problems downloading it, just give us a call on 01444 300157. (If you don’t receive an email in your inbox then please check your spam folders for the email)
Perfect for women (or couples) who run their own businesses, that want to spend 2 full days working on their business to take it to the next level & become the go-to experts in the eyes of their potential customers/clients in their industry/marketplace.
This will be a relatively small intimate event, with like minded entrepreneurs so that we can help each and every business/business owner attending as much as possible. Our goal is to work on each and every one of your businesses and give you help and advice, and also spot opportunities you may be missing or not currently taking advantage of.
When we release the tickets we will also have a limited number of half-price tickets available for those women who want to bring a second person i.e. your husband/partner/friend with them.

Paul Bate Winning Business Personality of the Year

Katy Jobbins Winning Mentor of the Year
During the 2 day Live Event we Will be Giving You Tried & Tested & Proven to Work Ideas, Strategies & Secrets & Discover How To …
Get Free Publicity for Your Business
The 5 questions your press release MUST answer …
… or your press release will not get published. How to construct your press release for maximum effect & get free publicity in newspapers & magazines to promote your business & services.
Building a Huge List of Interested Potential Customers or Clients
The most crucial website do’s and don’ts …
How to make sure your website/online social media is working for you 24/7 and saving you much needed time. Where to find your top clients. How to have people clamouring over themselves to tell you that they are interested in your businesses services.
Become an Expert in Your Industry – No Matter What Industry You Are In
How to build trust & gain credibility with your clients …
… regardless of your current background or experience. Top trust building techniques. Why most businesses struggle to differentiate themselves and how to fix the problem.
Grow a Permanently Successful Business
How to get rid of the ‘Get Rich Quickly’ mindset and start creating a ‘Get Rich Forever’ business …
Many business owners are constantly sacrificing long term business success because they can’t see further than next week or next month. We will help you set both short term goals but also develop your longer term business & lifestyle plan.
Here Are Some Testimonials From Women Who Have Attended Previous Business & Marketing Events Run by Paul & Katy …
“I feel like I’ve been given a formula to make something work really well” Emma, London
“Out of all the courses we have been on, the is by far the best.” Tony, Hampshire.

I now know how to get some free publicity, which is good and saves me money. I realise now after doing this course that I would have made lots of mistakes. If I had not come here I would have done everything wrong. I have learned a lot & now I know exactly what I’m going to do.”

I was going through a bit of a bad period, not doing the things I was supposed to be doing & getting dragged down by the business, I decided I really need to do something here & I’m getting back my mojo! It totally boosted my confidence again and really made me realise this it what I need to do. This course has helped me get back in control of my business again.”

Katy today has again been full of so many great ideas. I’m really, really happy with everything I’m going to be able to take away with me. I feel like I’ve been given the formula to make something work really well and I’m excited to get started again. It’s been fantastic.”

Even if I do just a tiny percent of what I’ve learned today, I will be flying high. This has been extremely helpful. Its been amazing business skills and knowledge whatever your business. If you are not on this course, you snooze, you lose I’m afraid!”

I found it really, really helpful, and you’ve thought of things I’ve never even imagined that you would ever need to do. It’s shown me how to not spend money and you can still get your business out there.”

To be honest, without going on this course I would never have known & missed out on everything. There is so much that I don’t know, I wish I had come on this course a year ago.”

It’s very logical & Paul and Katy are taking you through each step that you need to do in order to maximize on the entire course. But everything is so spot on. The benefits they talk about and the notes they provide & the actual content is so incredibly valuable. They plant little seeds in your head, which are like little keys to unlock certain parts of your business that may not be working so well. It’s just brilliant strategies that I can’t really explain enough in words…you really have to be on the course!”

My heads buzzing because I’m just so full of what I want to do. There was so much information that you have given me personally that I hadn’t even thought about. I’m so blown away by it all. I am buzzing, it’s amazing. I’d recommend this course 100%. In fact more than 100%. If anybody thinking about doing it, don’t think, just do it! You’ve got too. You will turn your business around.”
Here Are Some Testimonials From Couples Who Have Attended Previous Business & Marketing Events Run by Paul & Katy …

It’s been amazing, brilliant. On day one of this course our website was nowhere on Google, today it is the top of Google, just from messing around with what you taught us on our website.”

I’m here (Tony) to assist my wife, but I also have a landscape and fencing business myself and was hoping to learn something that could improve that, and today I have learned that I can improve it a lot! Its definitely given me the injection of positivity I needed to go back and make the changes I need too.
It’s different from everything else we’ve seen before. It’s been mind-blowing. It’s got us buzzing and thinking about things we would never have dreamed of about how to make your business a success. We’ve realised that there is a lot of other stuff out there in your business that you can do which can bring in money. Out of all the courses we have been on this is by far the best. Coming together has been fantastic because we can both support each other’s businesses.”
More Great Reasons to Attend…
2 Full Days Jam-Packed With Invaluable Business, Marketing and Self Development Help
Paul & Katy will be cramming in years and years of business & marketing strategies in to 2 days of inspiring business boosting tips and ideas.
Cocktail Night
After the intensity of the first day, what better way to relax than a with a couple of cocktails or glasses of bubbly with Paul & Katy on the first night. Get to know other like minded entrepreneurs and business owners & pick their brains.
Optional Business Mentoring & Ongoing Support
If you would like ongoing help, we offer an optional 2 year business & mentoring programme to help you to become the go-to expert/business in your area.
Inspiring & Motivating Trainers
You are learning from 2 successful business people who have been there and done that & know how to motivate and inspire people & businesses from all backgrounds. Katy has been voted ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’, ‘Mentor of the Year’ and ‘Woman of the Year’ & Paul has won a number of high profile Business & Marketing awards and named ‘Business Personality of the Year,’, so you are in safe hands.
This Can Help Any Business No Matter What You Do
Everything we teach in these 2 days can be 90%+ be applied to any business from any industry. So whether you are just starting out, looking to kick-start your business again or want to take over the world and take your business to the next level, this course will set you on the right path.
How to Quadruple the Effects of Your Initial Achievement
When most businesses win or get shortlisted for an award it ends there. Paul & Katy will show you exactly how to most effectively use your success to create more success & help build your brand as part of your long term business growth strategy.
Workbook & Trainers Version of Workbook Included
When you attend the 2 day event, you will be given a in-depth workbook to work through and write your notes & ideas down. You will also get a copy of the trainers version with all the trainers additional inspirational notes and advice/ideas.
This Event Will Be Filmed Live to Watch Again
As part of the optional business and mentoring support package, the live recordings will be available for attendees of this event to relive the ideas, and creative inspiration they had.This way you can go through it again and again each and every time you need to refresh your memory on the best way forward with your business.
Send Your Business Questions/Problems Before You Attend
To make sure you get the best value out of the 2 days, you can send your biggest business concerns, problems, issues before you attend. This way your trainers will be able to look into your personal situation and make sure you get your direct questions answered.
We Will Help You Figure Out What Makes You/Your Business Unique
By helping you work out what makes you, your business & your services/products unique you will effectively differentiate yourself from your closest competitors. This will make you more immune to relying on discounting prices to keep your market share.
Lunch & Refreshments Included
Lunch and refreshments will be included throughout the day to keep you stay hydrated and full of energy, to make sure you do not miss anything during your inspirational 2 days.
How to Make the Most of Every Opportunity
Paul and Katy will show you how to make sure you never miss out on another business growth opportunity. Most businesses don’t think they are worthy of winning an award. However Paul & Katy will show you exactly where to find the awards best suited for you or your business to enter.
This Event Will be Held in the London or Sussex Area.
Ticket Prices, Details & Full Event Schedule to be Released Soon.
Make sure you enter your name and email address in the form below so you receive all the latest updates and special offers (maximum of 1 half-price ticket per person), in regard to these events and future events/products that we feel you might benefit from.

Woman in Business 2 Day Mastermind Live Event
Discover the Full Masterclass Content Using the Form Below …
Please Enter Your Name & Email Address Below to Receive Our Latest Woman in Business 2 Day Mastermind Schedule Which Includes: Prices, Training Locations, Who You Will be Training With Plus Much, Much More …
If you have any problems downloading it, just give us a call on 01444 300157. (If you don’t receive an email in your inbox then please check your spam folders for the email)