And We Get To Choose As Many Colours, Styles And Brush Strokes As We So Please.
I see them. It’s because I know anything I’ve ever been through and felt, they’ve had too & maybe even more so.
These incredible connections stem from me being so aware that we’re all on the same path and we’re all seeking the same things.
Fulfilment, Joy & Appreciation In Our Work.
As a fine art teacher, Sonya found that the higher up she got, the more paperwork she did and the further away it took her from doing art work.
And then everything changed overnight …

Sonya Moved To The Opposite End Of The Country ...
Over the last few weeks Sonya has rediscovered her creative passion in permanent makeup and has loved using her skills to improve the lives of terminally ill patients who lost their confidence & hair in treatment, in women suffering alopecia who’d lost brows and had to get used to wearing wigs, to women who’d had the toughest few years of their lives and wanting to get back out to face the world again feeling their very best.
I Also Loved Working Hard On Correcting Sonya’s Permanent Makeup
…& just like that, Sonya even picked up an art commission from a beautiful client whilst she was here, who wanted a fantastic portrait artist to paint her family as a special gift.

What A Winning Career Formula;
It just goes to show that no matter what battles life puts in our path we must always keep positive in our mind. Although the canvas of our life is painted with our unique experiences, behaviours and emotions, we are the only one in control of what happens next… of how we’ll react.
Sonya, You’re Totally The One In Control Of The Brush Now ...

Thank you so much Sonya for my beautiful handwritten letter, pop-up card and lush champagne.
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