It’s When You’ve Put Your Heart and Soul Into Your Days Work, When You’re Utterly Spent but With Just Enough Energy for a Smile as Your Head Hits the Pillow.
You know you’ve given it everything and deserve some rest & a lovely cup of tea in one of your favourite cups.
I’ve Loved Having a Little Week Behind the Scenes Working on Our 2 Year Mentoring Program
Steve might say, as he would probably disagree! He has a lot to put up with when working on the design…
“A little bluer, pinker, a bit to the left, no move it back it looked better. Oh let’s start again because I don’t like that book cover… can you press undo because I think I like it now. “

It’s Work Being a Perfectionist (Within Reason).
I see everything I do as a little self portrait, and every piece of work I ever see as a reflection of those who did it.
They put the same level of effort and care whether they are making a cup of tea, cooking a family meal, cleaning the house, running a business or tattooing someone’s face.
Autograph Your Work With Excellence and You Will Find Yourself “happy Knackered.”
It’s an amazing feeling and I can’t wait for the students to start enjoying all of the new and improved learning materials xx

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