... Yourself!
If you’ve been searching all of your life for that one person who will make you whole, happy & change your life, take a look in the mirror.
Yes, I know it’s scary. Fear of the unknown, learning a brand new skill and setting up your own business.
Especially if you’re from a completely different background like Lorraine who I trained last year who was a legal secretary.

But do you know what’s even more scary than that?
Looking back in 20 years, so full of regret that you didn’t give that dream a shot. Because you worried you would fail, because you worried about what other people would think of you, and you let the fear of change stop you.

The Struggle of Setting Up a Business Is Guaranteed but Success Is Not.
Lorraine felt all of these things and went for it anyway. She followed a gut instinct that she could be very good at permanent makeup and at the age of 57 last year she decided to set up her brand new business…. And it worked out!!
Amazing Garden Based Clinic
She’s now just 2 years from her 60th birthday, looking incredible, a whole new direction, a brand new look – I did her permanent makeup last year, she feels so much more confident. Her 3 kids are so proud of her, and she gets to work from her dream permanent makeup clinic which she has had built at home.

She now only does permanent makeup and has lots of spare time to do other things in life that she loves… like study philosophy.

The Person She Walked in Today Is Entirely Different and I Could Not Be More Proud.
New nose ring, new hairstyle, everything has changed, and that’s because this amazing thing happens when you start to grow & improve one area of your life; other areas improve right along with it!! We see it day in day out with our permanent makeup clients. It sets an upward spiral in motion.
Today Was Just About Troubleshooting and Learning Lips.
Lorraine left with her own lips beautifully coloured, feeling fresh and refocused and wants to come back for more training every year or two. She will also continue to be mentored on the business side by Paul as she expands.
She also learned one of my best kept secrets in business. Your biggest competition and enemy is not other permanent makeup artists, it’s your own self doubt, it’s self sabotage.
Your second biggest competition is also not other permanent makeup artists, it’s peoples apathy, it’s the distraction of other videos, constant bombardment of messaging and advertising, it’s browsing social media etc.
That’s what you’re really competing with.

You’re really competing with 1000001 distractions of as you educate your potential clients.
The Only Person You Ever Need to Compare Yourself Against Is Your Yesterday Self.
The only person you ever need to compare yourself against is your yesterday self.

When you show up as your best self you inspire others to become their best self too…
As we were working on our client not only were her looks transformed but she felt so inspired by Lorraine setting up her own business at 57 that she decided that at 50 she also can realise her dream of being a personal trainer.
So there you go. Life is not a rehearsal & you’re never going to be 100% ready & it’s never going to be just the right time, but that’s the point.
Remember that famous musician some of you may have heard of, John Lennon who once said ‘Life is what happens, when you’re busy making other plans’.
It means that every moment is also the right moment. If you want it, you just have to grab it.

Don’t Forget That Anyone Can Change Their Life at Anytime and on Any Day of the Week.
You can get rid of your social media if it makes you feel bad, you can change what you eat, step away from a relationship that’s not healthy, move to the other side of the world or start a brand new career. All it takes is one decision.
The only difference Lorraine between right now and where you want to go next are the little baby steps that you haven’t taken yet but they’re coming. The amazing website about to be launched, the editorials, your helpful videos for your clients, they’ll get done.
Repeat After Me Lorraine - “I’m Stepping Into the Most Successful Decade of My Life.”

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