I Have Quite Simply Loved Our Daily Dose of “woo Woo”.
I had goosebumps as I heard all of Alison’s incredible stories of manifesting, including how she came to be sat here in my office.
After 30 yrs as a dental implant nurse and a phlebotomist, Alison felt it was time for a new and exciting challenge.
Making people look and feel beautiful is her passion. This career change was her husbands idea, her daughter and even her boss is so supportive of her dreams.

On the Other Hand Alison Almost Talked Herself Out of This Several Times…terrified She’d Be No Good at It.
But she kept getting little signs here and there that she was on the right path.
I live and breath law of attraction but I do hope I never give anybody the impression that it’s just about thinking positive, so I’ll try and explain it the way that I use it.
Instead of focusing on what you do not want in your life, you shift the focus on what you do want.
For example, if, like Alison; you’re starting a new permanent makeup business, you’ll have some natural fears. Are you going to be able to transition from what you’ve always known? You’re wondering if you’ll get enough clients, if you’ll ever be good enough and is the whole thing a crazy idea?
You’ll worry that there’s a lot at risk and this business could fail. So you may start to think how can I make it not fail?? You start planning against catastrophe, focusing on the things that you really do not want.
The problem with thinking this way is that the things you focus on and put your attention to are the things you end up attracting in your life and business. When you focus on the difficulty, the challenge, the fear and the problems you take on that vibration.
In that stressed out state of mind you tend to attract more things like that to you, creating a self fulfilling prophecy!
Btw, This Is Not Just Some “woo Woo” Thing Pulling Negativity Towards You Magically ...
it’s quite literally that all of your thoughts generate all of your actions that you take in your business when you focus on what could go wrong it stops you taking inspired action.
That’s because it makes you anxious, insecure and fearful and your actions are going to be feeble.
You worry about something so much that you take the action that makes that worry become true. It’s the strangest phenomenon of human nature
The antidote is that you can attract positive things with positive thoughts when you shift your focus onto creating something new.

This Week I Have Been Showing Alison How to Focus on Who Her Dream Client Is ...
… what kind of work she wants to create, the flexibility she wants in her job, the perfect space she’d like to work in, the causes that she supports, the feelings she want to evoke, the things she wants to do in her spare time, the relationships she’d like to nurture.
So many teachable moments as we put our nerves aside and focus on serving others.
We worked on cancer survivors, alopecia sufferers, ladies unable to apply their makeup due to arthritis in their hands, we’ve worked on bolder fashion brows, brand new clients and difficult cover ups of colour disasters from other artists… all dream clients in my book.
It Worked So Well That She Thought Maybe It’s Time to Try Out More of This Stuff and See if We Can Create a Bigger Shift.
Anyone can do it and what you’re going to find is that it really works, and the reason it works is not through some metaphysical mumbo jumbo… it’s that you, like Alison, become more confident. You practice harder, you have faith in your actions, you feel happy and inspired, you’re excited about what you’re doing because you have these positive visions for the future you’re trying to create.
You start to impose your reality on the world rather than the worlds reality on you.

And When That Happens You Start to Feel Really Good.
You go out there and work on your goals and your passions.
You stop procrastinating and through that process your new thoughts shape your new actions and your new actions attract whatever it is you want in your life.
Give it a go, there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. You’ll find that you feel amazing, you’ll not only building a life changing skill, you’ll start to develop a good mood, you’ll bring joy to everyone you work with, you have a new sense of confidence as you help others feel better about themselves, you feel like you own your life.
Always Creating Positive Vision Backed Up With Lots of Action.
Inspired action feels somehow smoother and more effortless and things start to click.
If the quality of thoughts improve, the quality of your life & work will. But ONLY through action. If nothing changes then nothing will change.
Law of attraction is at its most powerful when it becomes subconscious. The more it works, the more confidence you have in it. You start taking bolder actions once your subconscious starts to resonate with that feeling of confidence, pride in your work, calmness that everything is ok in the world.

That Happiness That Joy, When You Start Creating From That Place.
There’s no resistance, less temptation to quit, you become more resilient you’re not struggling as much. Life becomes more pleasant and on purpose and when that happens then how could you not attract the things that you want?
Happy manifesting dear Alison, and Thank-you so much for my beautiful card and pink champagne which I’ll toast to Mr. Proctor … I’ll see you back in a few months for more “woo woo”.
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