It’s Drilled Into Us From a Very Young Age That It’s Not Ok to Copy Other Peoples’ Work.
Whilst I agree that you should seek to become more of who you are, I also see that some of the most successful businesses are modelled on ones that are already working very well.
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch.
To be successful, we have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our dreams and model them.

Caroline Is a Teacher Working With Special Needs Children & She Is Also One of Those Amazing Artists That Can Perfectly Copy What She Sees.
On day one of her training she was able to copy with a precision of a mm, some of the most advanced techniques which was just fantastic.
Being told at school never to copy others actually suppresses some of the most important business and life skills. If you ask me copying is one of the best ways a student can possibly learn.
From the day we’re born, we learnt all our skills through mimicking others. It’s what shapes us, and it’s how you build muscle memory.
It’s what you need to become a skilful technician, it feels like your hands just know how to move.
Your hands know exactly how to hold the blade and machine and the right pressure to press to reach the correct depth of skin.
Really, the Skill That Manifests in Your Hands Actually Resides in Your Brain.
It becomes an unconscious where you learn by doing, and the only way you can do something which we don’t know how to yet is to watch and copy just like Caroline.
This is where the magic happens.
As you repeat on practice skins, you’ll find that you’re able to carry out your procedures quicker and better than ever before.
Without copy practicing everything is so controlled, takes a lot of mental effort, and can feel super tiring. You’ll find your movements are slow and your results inconsistent.

With Practice You Feel Like Things Start to ‘click’.
What that really means is that less mental input is needed, it feels easier and more auto pilot because the commands are coming from an unconscious place ‘it just starts happening’ in your hand.
As you become more practiced you’ll see accuracy and consistency in your work as the techniques becomes imbedded subconsciously.
Week in, week out, like Caroline my students are shocked by the quality of the work they’ve produced on their own, with very little help.
Often they’ll say “all I did was copy you”. But the truth is that by following my step by step formulas, they went through the entire learning process.
But if You Reeeeally, Reeeeally Want to Reach the Creme De La Creme of Success in This Field, You Need to Copy Something Else.
You should also copy the way we do business. Our habits and routines. That’s the real secret to our success.
Any student of mine who’s running a successful permanent makeup business tends to have something in common: a unique vision, a passion to help others, backed up with a business & marketing plan… & they still continue work on developing their skills.

They Show Up Consistently, Put in the Hours and Practice Daily.
They have a plan in place to let everyone know about their well honed skill and how it can change the lives of cancer patients, trans gender clients, alopecia suffers, stroke victims that have muscle weakness, those who’ve had permanent makeup disasters, the elderly and the visually impaired, new mums with very little time on their hands, people seeking an extra 10 minutes in bed every morning for the rest of their lives…the list goes on and on and on.
Over the next 2 years Caroline will learn everything that works, as we mentor her on the business side. It’s then just about scaling back, adding your own twist and following your vision, what bits work for you.
Like everything in life the more you put in, the more you get out. I believe even the least among you can do all that I have done and even greater things.
Caroline, I’m Super Excited to See How You Take the Skills and Business Tips & Make Them Your Own.
Happy practicing and I hope you enjoy a few cocktails under the instructions of your clients who gave you tips for going above and beyond all of their expectations.
I’ve enjoyed training you & Thank-you so much Caroline for my beautiful bottle of Queens Jubilee champagne. Very touched by your lovely card too, see you again in a few months for more.

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