Jill is a Laser Specialist With a Drop Dead Gorgeous Clinic in the Heart of Newcastle.
Her husband is her number 1 supporter and recommended that she train with me and add permanent makeup to her skill of tattoo removal, hair removal, thread vein removal and skin rejuvenation.
Jill is utterly beautiful inside and out, but she was having a small meltdown on day one of training… the fear of god was in her eyes because she’d been on world wide pm forums.
It’s for the masses… forget all that. They can get a little negative, moany and full of problems that just simply don’t exist for my students who focus on their lovely clients and working on themselves.
It’s the Foundation of My Teachings
Paul sat down with both her husband and Jill to explain that it is a completely controllable outcome. He shared our secrets of how to build a huge list of clients over the next 2 years in the permanent makeup industry.
Like every industry there are a small minority of people that are full of opinions of how it should be done. So focused on finding excuses rather than solutions, bringing others down they fail to realize it’s their mentality alone that often keeps them at the bottom.
When You Change Your Outlook, Your Entire World Changes With It.
So we spent most of the day talking about how she just needs to trust the process and believe that if there is a way… we will make it happen.
I told Jill that she’ll be too busy once she’s finished here building her dream business to have time for any negativity at all…
Think of Yourself as a Human Magnet Constantly Attracting What You Speak, Think and Feel.
Anyone that is truly serious about change, you have to first go through an uncomfortable process. Resist any urge to dodge the natural growth process. It’s the only way to grow and evolve to who you want to be.
So step one to building your dream business is to totally eliminate all self doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will get exactly what you are asking for.
To get anywhere in life you must first learn to stop caring about what others think and be utterly fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
Trust That What Belongs to You Will Always Find You.
Success isn’t about being utterly perfect and totally confident in every way.
It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to massive success. Confidence will come from small wins.
Not to spoil the end for you, but if you believe in yourself and chip away one step at a time you’ll end up becoming more confident, more skilful & happier than you’ve ever been.
Everything you deserve is making its way to you, you’ll always get back exactly what you put in.
I can’t wait to have you back in a few months for practical training, you have so many clients waiting & I’ve promised them big things xxx