To Teach & Mentor Over a Thousand Amazing Permanent Makeup Artists From Around the World.
They’ve transferred their unique skill sets from almost every background, career & walk of life you can possibly dream of.
What’s interesting is when I look at all of these fantastic people changing their lives, self esteem & confidence of their clients, almost all of them have felt this huge internal pull to want to serve and help other people.
Just Like Rupinder, Who is Currently an NHS Community Nurse.
It’s almost like a voice inside them telling them they are destined to build their own dream business.
Yet at the same time, they have this other voice that consistently tells them things like, this is “crazy” & not to change, that they’re inadequate or that they are simply not “courageous” enough.
…and it goes on.
Not smart enough,
Not focused enough,
Not connected enough,
Not experienced enough,
Not good enough…
In My Observation When Looking at My Most Successful Students, the Only Difference Between “crazy” and “courageous” is Having a Plan and Getting on With It.
Rupinder has a perfect plan to change from being a community nurse to building her dream business that fits around her special family.
Training 1 to 1 with me is part 1 of her plan. She’ll learn to enjoy the freedoms from other people’s expectations as she streamlines her hectic schedule. She’ll realise that it is no bad thing to celebrate a more simple life, working from her garden clinic at home during the school hours.
There is Nothing I Enjoy More Than Minding My Own Business as I Chip Away Behind the Scenes Finding New Ways to Grow My List of Dream Clients to Surprise and Delight.
Surround yourself with people who understand what it takes and want the best for you and stay particularly close to those who encourage intellectual, emotional, artistic, or spiritual growth.
Her passion for makeup was clear.
The beautiful Rupinder also her brows and lips perfected by myself whilst she was here. She wanted to experience the process for herself.
Building a Dream Business is So Much More Than Earning Good Money
The journey is all about leaving our identity, infusing our passion into work and creating our essence.
Our struggles are about us holding onto these things that we’re attached to, such as love, our status, our identity. If you took away all of those things, what is left would be your essence.
Realising that your people love you no matter what you do in life
Yes - if You Follow the System We Have Laid Out and Are Willing to Put the Hours in, Then You Will Make Money
Enough to have your dream car and all your favourite shoes.
But that is not the point, that is merely the by-product of helping so many others feel great.
Zig Ziglar put it perfectly when he said: “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”
Welcome to the family Rupinder, now go practice like crazy ready for part 2… live model training