I Saw It in Abundance the Moment She Walked in. Tenacity
… the stuff that holds the ultimate significance in attaining excellence of any kind.
Welcome to the permanent makeup family Jenny.
She’s a high achiever, super successful in the corporate world of high end property sales, managing lots of people and she’s also mummy to the cutest little puppy called Honey.

Jenny Has Been Wanting to Train in Permanent Makeup for Years.
As part of her research she went to one of my technicians (who I trained 5 years ago) who of course did a magnificent job on her eyebrows and also thankfully said all good things about her training.
She decided to take that leap of faith and waited patiently almost 2 years to do the 1 to1 training she had always dreamed of.
Jenny Has Goals That Go Beyond the Superficial Success.
She’s deeply connected to working on herself and is happiest when changing lives & helping others feel their best.
The really successful ones refuse to give up on their dreams to make their future even more beautiful.
Jenny has loved her property career but has found that as she’s gone up the corporate ladder and into managing lots of people, has lost touch with building relationships with her clients. She misses that aspect.
She spends long weeks helping others achieve their targets and goals. She now wanted to set her own targets and goals in her own business, wants more flexibility and to be able to have a more personal impact on peoples lives.

It’s Been Emotional…
We’ve worked on women with who had lost all of their eyebrow hair, women who’d had facial reconstruction following a battle with skin cancer and now celebrating being cancer free, women who’d been having permanent makeup elsewhere for many years but never had such a natural result, we also worked on athletic women who do marathons, triathlons and all kinds of extreme sports and wanting stay put makeup that was perfectly applied.
All of Jenny’s Clients Had the Same Thing in Common… Totally Over the Moon and Brimming With Smiles and Self Confidence.
She even had her mum visit, which meant a lot to Jenny being able to share her new adventure with her. On top of that her mum was left so amazed at her new brows she said that they were so realistic she ‘fully expected the hair strokes to blow in the wind when she walked outside!’
Jenny told me that the hardest part of tattooing peoples faces was containing her excitement.
… I can’t help you on that one

I Told Her That There’s a Lot to Do. Building a Dream Business Is Not Going to Happen Overnight.
It’s a super fun process no matter how long it takes.
It’s all about sticking with your vision for your future, day in, day out & not just this week, or the coming months, it’s having the drive, the passion, the stamina & the fortitude to lean into any challenge that pops up until the dream is realised.
Tenacity Isn't Really Something You Have or Don't Have.
It’s like sweat. It’s made in the moment you show up and get to work. It’s a growth mindset, even when bad things happen, you can use it like fuel.
Jenny has a goal of making this her full time career within 6 to 12 months. And to enjoy lots of lovely sandals holidays around her new career.
Ambition and her unbelievable discipline & work ethic has been the key to her past success…
Permanent makeup is the new vehicle she’ll be arriving in from now on.

She’ll Stand Firmly on Her Own Two Feet ...
… and we’ll be behind her over the next 2 years to coach and mentor her should she need technical help or business inspiration as she transitions from the corporate world into the wonderful world of changing lives through permanent beauty ….
Thank You So Much Jenny for the Most Beautiful and Enormous Bunch of Flowers, and for Your Lovely Card.
Enjoy a little calm before the storm with a fantastic holiday before you get to work with creating the career of your dreams in permanent makeup, I have every faith in you xx

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