The Incredibly Inspirational Zoe Has Decided That There’s No Better Time Than Right Now.
And that nothing is going to get in the way of her dream career in permanent makeup.
Like so many of us she’s had some realisations that there’s no time like the present to build your dream life.
Since Leaving University, Zoe Has Worked In The Family Business In An Office For Many Years
But has been itching to do something more creative, she loves art, painting, cake creations like I’ve never seen before and a passion for makeup.
Half way through day one, all her nerves had disappeared, and she was producing incredible permanent eyebrows on the practice skins, which goes to show that if you think you can do something well… you should really trust your gut instinct.
To be able to build her own business & have less stress, more income and most importantly to have more time with family and her horses.

Her Lovely Husband Took A Huge Leap Of Faith In Her And Invested In Her In To Train In Permanent Makeup
His support has given her the confidence to just go for it and she has taken to it like a duck to water.
We are also really excited to be mentoring her on the business side over the next 2 years to help her build her dream business one step at a time.
She’ll be practicing like crazy over the next few months in preparation for all the lovely clients that want to wake up looking beautiful.
See you again when you return for your live model training in a couple of months… exciting. xx
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