From Making Incredible Cakes, To Making People Look And Feel Beautiful… Permanently.
12 months on, despite multiple set backs which seemed like Boris was personally trying to sabotage training and Ali’s business launching… here we are celebrating her fruition
The thing I love more than anything is seeing the behind the scenes business being built and lives being transformed.
The Very Best Thing I Notice About This Amazing Woman Is How Her Inner Confidence Has Skyrocketed.
Confidence is by far one of the most beautiful things to watch grow. She went from being very quiet 12 months ago, to today when our client who has been coming the 11 years that I have been training students, commented that she could feel how confident and how experienced Ali felt as she worked on her.

Ali Has Really Kept Me Entertained Behind The Scenes As She Has Sent Me Updates Of Her Garage Being Transformed Into A Permanent Makeup Stu
her website built and now up the top of Google, price lists and business cards, branded chocolates.
I’ve loved every minute and can’t wait to see again what her naughty little elves get up to this Christmas… some of the stuff they did last year were too naughty to post. They’re trouble.
Ali Wanted To Stop Making Cakes Much Against Her Customers Wishes
Purely because a typical cake would take over 18 hours and financially it didn’t make sense.
Now she has managed to completely stop cake making to focus all of her creativity on making people beautiful.
She has been gradually building her permanent makeup business to 3 days per week and her goal is to be full time with it by march next year.

I’m So Very Proud
I was INCREDIBLY choked up when Ali presented me with the most beautiful Maserati cake as she left. She knows I love a Maserati, the effort, the hours, the detail and the love that went into that amazing cake.
You are one clever cookie and I hope you always know that I’m so grateful. Sad your training is finished but the mentorship will continue indefinitely. xx
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