Katy Jobbins Named as Finalist in the ‘Woman in Education’ Category
at the 2015 Sussex Woman In Business Awards.
With over 350 entries the judges had a very difficult time deciding on who were to be the award’s first semi-finalists as entries and third party nominations were of an extremely high caliber.
The semi-final heat took place on Friday 31st July at the Cavendish Hotel Eastbourne and the events host was the lovely Lynsey Bartlett of Heart Sussex.
Over 100 of the semi-finalists and sponsors attended the banquet luncheon. The event was formally opened by Maria Caulfield, MP for Lewes, who was also representing all the Sussex MPs and after a magnificent three course meal served by the wonderful staff of the Cavendish Hotel, Neisha Taylor, associate solicitor at Hart Reade, the headline sponsors, took to the stage to wish everyone good luck.
Neisha said, “We at Hart Reade are extremely proud to continue to headline and support these magnificent awards which are a superb platform for Sussex businesses women to demonstrate their achievements.’”
During the Luncheon Banquet, Katy Jobbins, Founder and Head Trainer was shortlisted as a finalist in the ‘Woman in Education’ Category.
This is Katy’s 7th Awards Finalist Appearance in 2015 after already scooping the award for ‘Outstanding Educational Service’ at the 2015 Global Business Awards and having her signature course ‘The Complete Permanent Makeup Start-up Training Course’ being voted the UK’s Number 1 Health & Beauty Training Programme earlier in the year.
Black Tie Gala Event to Announce the Winners

The Winner will be announced tonight (the 23rd October), at the fabulous black tie gala awards evening at the Cavendish hotel in Eastbourne.