Taking Chances is Really Just About Overcoming the Fear of Failing.
The truth is that just like Sara did, every time you take a massive risk (regardless of how it turns out) you will always be so glad that you did.
Meet the gorgeous Sara from Cardiff who I trained last year. Sara said that changing her career after over 20 years as a legal defence secretary to becoming a permanent makeup artist was the best move she ever made.
She Felt Like She Had to Take That Risk Otherwise She Would Have Been Doing the Same Thing for the Rest of Her Life
Fast forward less than 12 months & she now gets to fit her work around her 2 year old daughter and spend much more time with her husband, friend’s & family.
Some friends and colleagues first thought she’d gone bonkers changing from a highflying career in law to beauty, but she had faith in herself & her master plan and has proven that she knew exactly what she was doing all along. Her husband was a massive supporter even in the beginning when it was scary & she had a slow start.

Sara Called Our Office for Business Help After 6 Months of Practice.
She started our 2 year mentoring program with Paul and has never looked back.
It has been invaluable, many underestimate what it takes to get the business started, but like Sara, once they feel self belief, have refined their skills and have learned how to attract dream clients they become so self sufficient. Sara has now been able completely quit law and feels so much happier in her new career. She can’t believe she gets to do this & get paid.
Her Own Business Now Fits Perfectly Around Her Beautiful 2 Year Old Daughter and Allows Her Flexibility to Be There
Utterly loving her new direction.
She cleared out her garage and has had it converted into a beautiful professional permanent makeup studio so that she can work from home with very little overhead costs.
Her professional branding is incredible and I enjoyed the assessment of her portfolio

It Was a Very Busy Day as Well as Working on Clients and Having Her Own Brows Done
… And at the end of the day she worked with Paul on her social media.
She regularly gets lovely ‘Thank You’ messages from her clients and it makes her day. The referals are now pouring in. Sara created some beautiful brows last week and within a day, her clients mother had seen them and booked in too. What a testament to her high standards.
Like Anyone I Train, You Will Find When You First Dramatically Change Direction, That People Will Always Have Opinions About Your Decisions.
Don’t take it personally, it’s simply because they worry & wouldn’t want to rock the boat in their own lives. Be a leader in your life because without you taking the odd risk there would be no reward & nothing can substitute for your experience.
Be more afraid of not living the life you were born to live. I’m so proud.
Thank you so much Sara for your wonderful gift of gin to add to my summer beverages and the lovely chocolates and card. See you again when you come back for more permanent makeup.
Safe trip back to Wales my friend. xx

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