It’s Upsetting To See Burnt Out.
Mentally exhausted people in their twenties, thirties and forties when they should be living their best lives.
That’s Why I Love Teaching Wonderful & Inspiring Women Like SarahJane
She’s come to exactly the right place to learn from me how she can break out. She will be watching not just how to make a living but start creating a life that truly inspires.
If her track record for making things happen & never ever giving up is anything to go off, she’ll do just fine.

She Has A 5 Year Plan To Build A Life That Gives Her More Energy
I’ve never met anyone more deserving. This girl has had some serious challenges in life.
Now that she’s back on her feet, she gives her time, energy and experience helping people with temporary paralysis undergoing their first day in rehabilitation to ‘wiggle their big toe.’
Life Can Be Exhausting. It Takes So Much Just To Pretend Everything Is Ok
When you hit rock bottom and there is no more left, the only way is up. When you can truly be who you are, where you can function healthily from a place of feeling comfortable in your own skin again.
When you finally stop wrestling, then you can work from a place of FLOW.

Flow Is Where You Find Yourself Again, Where You Can Model Those Who Are Doing What You’d Love To Be Doing
When you suddenly start to surround yourself with like minded people who want to see you get to the next level.
SarahJane has spent 2 years getting here against all the odds. Well done for putting yourself into an environment of change.
Sarah Also Was Thrilled As She Treat Herself To Some Beautiful Permanent Makeup
Now that she’s experienced for herself what a huge boost of confidence she has had and she is so so excited to bring that joy to her own clients.
Keep doing what you’re doing & I’ll see you back in a few months for the next level. Xx

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