Self Employment Has Always Been on Her List of Dreams.
Jade is currently in an admin role for universities…
but all of her life has absolutely loved to draw, paint, design and create and has always wanted to be a permanent makeup artist from the moment she discovered that it was a thing.
She’s Watched Just About Every Student Video Review ...
And follows so much of their progress and felt very inspired to do her training 1 to 1 with me.
It was a very wise choice as she is an utter perfectionist.
She has everything it takes to set up a very successful permanent makeup business making everyone around her feel beautiful from the inside out and top to bottom.

Jade Brought in a Picture of How She Would Like Her Eyebrows to Look Everyday When She Wakes Up and I Think We Nailed It.
It’s going to save her so much time in the morning especially when trying to also get her little one ready on time for a day at nursery.
The Dream is to Be Purely Doing Permanent Makeup Only 6 to 12 Months From Now ...
So that she can still be present at all of the milestones whilst also enjoying contributing and a fulfilling career.
And her lovely husband over time would like to step into the business and marketing role whilst she does what she does best.

So Looking Forward to Seeing You Again Jade for Real Clients ...
And to also touch up your eyebrows to perfect them even further.
Go practice all of your techniques and start letting everyone know there’s going to be an excellent permanent makeup artist right on their doorstep.
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