Expect People to Judge as You Start Over, It’s Just What People Do.
I explained to the lovely Dominika how you can completely take all of the energy out of this problem by knowing that it’s not a problem at all. It simply is.
Dominika set up and owned a successful Polish restaurant where she was a fantastic chef. It had always been her dream, she started from nothing and she built it from the ground up.
Sadly it had to close due to the pandemic.
She kept going with the pastry and polish cake making side and always amazes her customers with her incredible creativity. But there is a ceiling on what you can earn baking cakes.

Her Husband is Her Number 1 Supporter and is Sooooo, Soooo Excited for Her to Set Up Her New Permanent Makeup Business.
He knows without a doubt, that she’s got what it takes and I have to agree with him.
Sometimes life doesn’t give you what you want the first time around. Not because you didn’t deserve it, but because you deserve so much more and Dominika has become really inspired by a career in permanent makeup
And She Was Utterly Amazing at It.
Technically she took to it like a duck to water, so we focused on other areas of building the business. Areas that so many people worry about such as what people will think.
The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do, no matter what you try, will simply have a different opinion of how things should be if they were doing it. If some don’t see your value, don’t worry you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. You’ve got to win in your mind before you win in your life.

You’ll Realise That the World is Also Filled With Clients Who Will Love Your Style of Work
They’ll recommend you to everyone they know, won’t dream of EVER going to anyone else & they’ll love you fiercely for the difference you have made to their daily lives and confidence.
Like moths, your dream clients are attracted to the flame and they will come.
To build momentum, surround yourself with people who talk about their hopes, passions, visions and ideas. Don’t let competition scare you, instead be inspired to do it with a Dominika twist.
It’s Never Been Done Before and Never Will Be Done Again.
You can’t talk power moves and life goals around people who don’t have the same hunger as you and that’s why you’ll be joining our permanent makeup family.
Authenticity and originality is what happens when love of your truth becomes more important to you than what others think of you.
Always value your own peace of mind and happiness over people’s opinions.

This Lesson is Setting You Up for Your Next Level of Growth.
Dream clients respond best when you’re passionate, encouraging and helpful. Let every word you speak (to yourself & to others) be filled with kindness and care.
PROMISE YOURSELF ONLY GREAT THINGS and surround yourself with people, clients and environments that breathe life into you.
From now on, learn to say no to anything and everything that drains you and makes you feel less than the amazing person that you are.
Life is Short. We Get to Decide Where Our Time Goes.
There’s so much freedom in that and yet so much responsibility. Can’t wait to have you back for more training next month…. Eek

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