If We Were All Truly Aware Of The Hardships Someone Had Faced To Cultivate Such An Incredible Level Of Compassion, Talent And Inner Strength, We’d Never Feel Intimidated By Them.
Like so many incredible people that I train, Sonya came here for a brand new positive direction, immersive 1 to 1 learning and personalised mentorship for years to come.
After taking a little time out of her demanding teaching career for herself, Sonya decided to train in permanent makeup.
This Super Artistic A-Level Art Teacher…
But the problem with so many high achievers that I train is that as she climbed higher up that career ladder, her passion and artistic flair seemed to drift further away from her day-to-day life.
So guess what? Sonya decided to take back control & to shake things up! She’s packed her bags and moved to the sunny shores near the beach and surrounded by beautiful country walks at the opposite end of the country.
Now, she’s got more time to stroll with her adorable 2 doggies and over the next few years is planning a thrilling sailing adventure with her partner, who’s a sea-loving, adventure-seeking traveller.
And Here's The Juiciest Part
So here she is and she’s honed her skills with 1to1 training with me over the last 2 days on practice skins and is now ready to slay the game.
With her fine art background, she’s a natural at it, mastering colour theory like a pro.
We corrected her permanent makeup over lunch so that she can be confident to show off the beautiful work when she’s consulting with her own clients.
Then she worked with Paul on what it takes to build her dream business from scratch, she’s gonna be unstoppable.
Cheers To Creativity, Confidence, And A Whole Lot Of Fabulous Permanent Makeup Transformations!
Enjoy your practice at home on skins and I’m super excited to have you back for more in a couple of months.