Del’s Life Coach Called Her Out of the Blue and Said She Should Look Into Training in Permanent Makeup With Me.
…Something she never considered in a million years.
So, after much research and excitement she came all the way to England to rebuild her confidence and start over in the next new and exciting chapter of her life.
As a single mum, this is very much out of her comfort zone, but then that’s where all of the best things happen.
Fiercely Private, Del Had Her Biggest Lesson This Week…
to build that emotional connection & that it’s ok to let her guard down and tell her story.
People don’t come to us for treatment based purely logical reasons, they are attracted based on connection & emotion.
All the best business owners know “You have to to give a little, to get a little.”
Your story matters, Del is actually incredibly inspirational and she was utterly inspired to hear not only my own story (the best bits) but the stories of our inspirational clients and their families. How they’ve overcome cancer, anxiety, how they deal with long term illness, life changing disabilities and they go on to help other people overcome the same issues.
Whilst We the Technician Help Make Their Lives Easier ...
… by beautifully and permanently applying their makeup, giving them the confidence they need to overcome their own unique challenges
Marketing to attract your dream clients is no longer just about setting up in your local area, being professional & creating great eyebrows. It’s about the story you tell, it becomes the magnet.
There’s Definitely Power in Sharing Vulnerability and That’s What Makes Someone So Likeable.
Del has always loved creativity and art.
She works literally amongst Monet paintings and genuine Van Gogh’s in an art gallery, and her passion in school was art.
She also spends her spare time helping her family run a farm.
Like Attracts Like.
I’ve been sharing all of my secrets of building a fantastic business, teaching Del how to tell her story in a way that attracts her dream clients just as I use mine to attract all the best students…the ones willing to throw everything at their new business, those wanting to surprise and delight their clients and those seeking complete transformation.
Excited to see Del back in a few months to see how the next chapter unfolds.