Make Sure You Research ALL Companies
AND TRAINERS that you are
considering training with in Permanent Makeup.
It pays dividends to do a bit of research into not only the company you are thinking of completing your training with but also, even more importantly, who they themselves will be using as your potential trainer.
There are lots of companies & individuals offering permanent makeup training & their prices vary widely. I have known people use reputable companies only to come out of their training with literally no confidence in permanent makeup procedures, yet having spent tens of thousands of pounds. They have all the equipment (& also a lot that they do not need & will never use), but feel like they simply did not connect with the person or people training them.
Find out in advance about the trainer you will be booked in to train with…
So try to find out in advance the trainer you will be booked in to train with. This is very important because the difference in quality can be huge. Will it be a master practitioner, the founder of the company, their head trainer or will it be a self-employed trainer that is local to your area that just trains every now and again?
I’d also recommend that you find out how long they have been working for that company.
This is not what you want!…
If you find the company cannot guarantee which trainer your training will be with, it may be because they don’t even know themselves & will simply be hiring someone local to your area around the time of your course.
Ideally, You Want…
Ideally, you want to be provided with 1 on 1 training with a highly trained and qualified trainer that still provides client treatments as well as training. Permanent makeup is like any skilled profession, if you don’t continue to practice your skill you will lose it!!
When you train with the Permanent Training Academy all your training is carried out 1 on 1 with Head Trainer Katy Jobbins.
Click here to read part 2 in this series