Over the Last 12 Months Lucy Stepped Away From What She’s Always Known & Proven to Herself That She Can Do Hard Things
Even when she felt scared, even when she felt nervous, even if she wasn’t perfect, even when things didn’t go exactly to plan.
Despite breaking her permanent makeup hand and having to take 6 months out whilst it healed she’s still made great progress with her models and case studies.
Lucy Feels Refreshed After Her Assessment and Trouble Shooting Day
We worked on how to blend lip colours that clients will love, how to offer super comfortable treatments with the latest new needles. She’s now confident enough after 12 months of practice that she is ready to step full time into permanent makeup.

We Took a Look Through Lucy’s Portfolio
We also took a look at videos of her gorgeous permanent makeup clinic in London, her social media and marketing and gave her some action steps to build her business over the next 2 years, she has so many 5 star customer reviews and testimonials which is fantastic.
It Can Be Too Easy to Lose Focus on the Basics
Adrift in the work of permanent makeup some find it too easy to get sucked into 10000001 other ways of doing things and to lose focus on the basics. So we spent time going back over creating an incredible client experience as well delivering simple, comfortable and painless procedures that will bring confidence to her clients for years to come.

Lucy Has Been Working as a Caregiver for Many Years With Special Needs Children
She has climbed the ladder as high as she can within her job.
She has now cut down her days at work the care home to make more space for her growing list of permanent makeup clients.
Lucy has so many years to carve out her rightful place in the permanent makeup industry. Paul showed her exactly how to do that by displaying her passion, professionalism and expertise on social media and on her up and coming new website.
Thank You So Much Lucy for the Beautiful Lilies, Chocolates and Card in Addition to Everything Else You Sent Me Last Year.
Very kind and I’m glad your life has changed in the way you wanted it to.
Keep building the life of your dreams & I’ll see you back for your lips and eyeliner in the next couple of months. xx

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