We Took a Little “business Trip” Down Memory Lane as I Shared With Kirsty My 5 Most Profound & Valuable Lessons of Last Year.
I explained all of the turbulence & fun to be had in the process of learning, growing and building a dream business around life & family.
Kirsty has been a stay at home mum for the past 8 years. She is very gifted at permanent makeup and can create beautiful natural work. Kirsty has never run a business before and was worried this would be her weakness.
Although initially looking into taking on a high-street premises she realised she had the perfect space right there in her back garden which would cost her very little and could be made beautiful for her clients to have their treatments.
She is Just Putting the Finishing Touches on Her Room and Brought in All of Her Lovely Client Aftercare Cards and Business Cards to Look Through
The best thing about starting a business is that it’s all learnable. You can get creative with what you already have. You don’t have to spend a fortune to be professional.

1. Don’t Be in Such a Rush to Get There ...
… the biggest lessons and turning points in success tend to slip by unnoticed. We don’t realise that some of our most important moments are our most important moments until they’re long gone.
I realised this year that I wish there was a way of knowing “the good old days” before they become the good old days.
2. I Can’t Remind Students Enough to Bring the Joy ...
to create the ultimate experience & whilst we’re at work to look for the happy things.
The ways in which you can show up and serve others are endless & such a special privilege…
You spend so long trying to get to the pinnacle that you don’t realise till 20 years in and you go “Oh yeah that was so, so special.”

3. Let Me Be Clear.
I’m so proud and so grateful for all of that I have created, but sometimes day to day, the progress can feel unremarkable. I look back and cringe at my old homemade website, the little cupboard under the stairs where I first started doing permanent makeup, on my shoe string budget…
…and then I realise that that is why clients become so invested… they see your intentions & your ever growing progress and can’t help but root for you, recommend you to everyone they know and become a loyal & raving fans.
4. The Most Important Thing to Do in Building a New Business is to Keep Going
Success can happen very fast, but it’s not overnight. Every single step you take counts. It’s not about perfection it’s about tiny little adjustments as you go.
There’s this hidden cost in life & business. It isn’t how much the book, or what the class cost, but it’s what it will cost if you don’t put in the time to read it or implement any of these valuable lessons.
In other words, in an effort to avoid a cost up front you’ll end up paying a far greater price at the back end.
Missing the opportunity is what’s most expensive.
Kirsty was smiling from ear to ear as we worked to get great results on women that had had endless rounds of chemo and radiotherapy. We spent time correcting permanent makeup that was unnatural, gaining trust of brand new nervous clients, clients who’d lost hair through medication and those simply treating themselves to looking fabulous in the New Year.

5. It’s So Easy to Overthink the Branding ...
and getting the perfect logo, colour scheme and tag line, but I try to explain to everyone of my students…
It’s not about you, detach yourself from any self-consciousness, perfection or overthinking and reallocate all of your energy to creating a welcoming environment & finding the perfect solutions for your cancer patients, your visually impaired women who can’t see to apply their makeup, those who love to run and swim and dance, the busy mums, the nurses and the carers, the ones who’ve suffered strokes, those who want to wake up feeling their best each and every day just because.
It’s about making life easier for your clients and finding all the best ways of letting them know that you’ve practiced like crazy to perfect your skills and learn your craft & that they are safe in your hands.
Good luck Kirsty… a brand new year is waiting for you. Make what you want of it xxx
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