Whether She Knows It or Not, What She is Putting Out Into the World is Coming Back. Always.
Lynsey is a theatre nurse, one of the loveliest ones that greets people from their sleep in recovery, takes care of them and brings them a cup of tea and a slice of toast when they need it the most.
She also stepped up and worked in intensive care all through the lockdowns and the pandemic taking care of the most critical covid patients, whilst her daughter moved in with grandparents.
That same nurturing attitude shone through in all of her permanent makeup work, and the clients felt very comfortable in her hands.

We Continued Working Hard and Donating 100% of Our Permanent Makeup Profits to Unicef Ukraine.
I’m over the moon to say that our little drop in the ocean has provided emergency shelter for 22 individual Ukrainian families.
Thank you so much to Paul, Lynsey, Jo and all of our clients.
Like myself, Lynsey just loves to help people and definitely puts the needs of others before her own, but I explained to Lynsey that one of my biggest lessons (as an empath) in life is to also look after number one!
Give Yourself That Same Nurturing, Kindness and Compassion as You Extend to So Many Around You.
Creating a dream business ONLY happens when everyone (including yourself) gets to win.
In fact Lynsey, I’d go so far to say, it’s your number one job in life, to fill your own cup, to fill your own cup so full that it literally overflows.
And only from that overflow can you sustain serving others.
Otherwise you’ll soon reach burnout….

Natures Way of Saying You’re Moving in the Wrong Direction.
Working in such an environment where it is all about the detail, no time rush with clients, put your therapist skills to use, make people feel more confident, as well as make people beautiful was such a welcome change from the overstretched NHS.
Something she’ll need to get used to.
It’s Not Easy Being So Empathetic, but if You Learn This Concept, You Can Make So Many People Happy.
And most importantly you get to experience that same level of joy, abundance and confidence for yourself in the process. If nothing changes, then nothing will change.
That’s how you create momentum that never runs out.
Lynsey you’re very special … you create very natural and classic permanent makeup, you’re very much a people person, you’ll be mentored by myself on the technical side and Paul will be helping you create a business over the next 2 years that is an exact reflection of your values.

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